This page provides information on the management of the site in question and on handling of personal data of its users and visitors.
This is information supplied in terms of article 13 of law no. 196/2003 – A code regulating the protection of personal data of whoever uses web services of the company accessible by electronic means from the web address which is the home page of the official web site.
This information applies only to this web site and not to other web sites accessible through its links.
This information is also based on Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted on 17 May 2001 by the European authorities regulating personal data which were united in a Group established under article 29 of EU Directive No. 95/46/CE to identify the minimum requirements for collection of personal data on-line and in particular on the conditions, time and nature of the information to be supplied to the users when these visit the web sites irrespective of the reasons for visiting the sites.
Upon consultation of this site data which concerns both identifiable and non-identifiable persons may be handled.
Italservice S.r.l. whose registered office is Parma, shall have the right to process such data
Data connected to the web services given on this site shall be processed at the above mentioned offices and shall be handled only by the technical staff of the Office responsible for such data processing or by any other temporary maintenance staff.
No data derived from such web services shall be communicated or divulged.
Personal data supplied by uses who make requests for information (reports, Cd-rom, catalogues, price lists, replies to questions, documents etc.) shall be used only in order to provide the service requested.
Web surfing data
IT systems and software procedures aimed at operating this web site enable the acquisition of personal data which is transmitted upon use of Internet Communication protocols.
This is information which was not collected in order to be associated to identifiable parties but which by its very nature could be processed or associated to data held by third parties in order to enable the users to be identified.
These include IP addresses or domain names of the computers utilised by the web visitors, the Uniform Resource Identified address of the resources requested, the time that the request was made, the system used to make such request, the size of the file obtained in the reply, the numeric code indicating the state of the reply given by the server (received, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the operating system and to the users IT settings.
This information shall be used only to gather anonymous statistical data on the use of the site and to ensure its proper functioning and shall be cancelled about one month after they it is processed, This data could be used to trace the responsible parties in the event of computer crime detrimental to the site: save in this case, data on web contacts shall not be held for more than one month.
Information voluntarily supplied by the user.
Any optional, explicit and voluntary email sent to addresses indicated on this site automatically enables the attainment of the senders address and other data included in the mail which is necessary to answer such mail.
Specific summarised information shall be included or seen in the web pages set up for particular services upon request.
No information upon the user shall be acquired by cookies on the site.
No use shall be made of cookies for the transmission of information of a personal nature, nor shall use be made of persistent cookies, that is systems to trace users.
The use of session cookies (which shall not be memorised by the user’s computer and disappear once the browser is closed) is used only in the transmission of session identifiers (casual numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable safe and efficient browsing of the site.
The so called session cookies used in this site avoid recourse to other IT techniques which could prejudice the security of navigation by the users and does not allow acquisition of personal data which identifies the user.
Apart from navigation data the user is free to decide whether to provide personal information. Not providing details may make it impossible for the user’s request to be met.
Personal information is processed by automated means only for the amount of time necessary to obtain the results for which such data was originally collected. Specific security measures are observed to avoid loss of data, illegal and improper use and unauthorised access.
The persons receiving the information have the right to obtain confirmation of the veracity or otherwise of the same information and to find out the content and origin of such information, to verify it and to request supplementary information or updates and amendments (see article 7 of Italian law no. 196/2003).
The same article grants the right to request the cancellation, anonymity or impediment of data handled in breach of law, and in any event if there is valid reason to do so to object to their being processed.
Request must be made to the owner of the data processed or to the Management of Italservice S.r.l.
This constitutes the “Privacy Policy” of this site which shall today be updated (the different versions which can be consulted at the same address remain).
List of Persons Responsible for Privacy (article 13 of Law No. 196/2003).
The following list of Persons Responsible for the Privacy of the company Italservice S.r.l. shall be published in terms of article 13, paragraph 1 letter f of the “codice in material di protezione dei dati personali” (data protection code) (Law No. 196/03) in order to identify the persons responsible for handling of personal data within the company.
List of Persons Responsible.
Person responsible for replying to the interested party: Italservice S.r.l. for and on behalf of Italservice S.r.l..
Person responsible for protection of Privacy: Italservice S.r.l. for and on behalf of Italservice S.r.l..